Who Invented Aromatherapy?

Dating back as far as ancient Egypt, aromatherapy has long been recognised as an effective natural wellness treatment. Just like us, the Egyptians used essential oils in medicine, massage, skincare and cosmetics. They even added them to baths and pastes as we do now, although we imagine their cleansing rituals didn’t involve them drinking wine in the bath and listening to Taylor Swift...

An ancient Egyptian favourite was the perfume known as Kyphi which was thought to relieve anxiety and improve sleep. It contained ingredients such as cedarwood, citronella and peppermint, as well as calamus which was a powerful narcotic. So it just goes to prove that aromatherapy nowadays is not so different from ancient times, we still use the same ingredients to treat the same complaints, even if our recipes are a little less *ahem* strong.

Why Is Aromatherapy Popular Today?

A modern surge in the popularity of aromatherapy can be attributed to factors like increased concern for natural beauty products, as well as the stressful nature of life in 2023 (what with the cost of living crisis, constant fear of the Coronavirus and that, er, situationship you’ve got going on). And our innate reliance on nature in times of stress means you might be doing aromatherapy without even realising it! If you’re lighting a scented candle before blissing out in the bath then you’re one step towards being a guru of the essential oils. And with less disposable income in people’s pockets at the moment, many are resisting the lure of the spa day to indulge in some self-care at home.

With the definition of wellness expanding, being healthy no longer means going to the gym three times a week or training for that half marathon. Mental wellbeing comes from anything

that gives you a little lift, which is why aromatherapy sits perfectly at the spot where beauty and healthcare collide.

What Do Essential Oils Do?

With aromatherapy, knowledge is power - so here are some of our favourite essential oils and the reasons why we love them...

Lavender has anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it's super useful in skin treatments. It also promotes relaxation and relieves symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Plus, it's thought to have antiseptic properties which help to heal minor injuries like insect bites...well it beats scratching it into a bloody mess.

Menthol is great for clearing the nose and throat to make breathing easier. And it can relieve symptoms of nausea, especially in people who suffer from motion sickness. It might not quite be enough to stop you throwing up on the waltzers but if you’re a queasy passenger your designated driver may thank you for it.

Jasmine and Sandalwood are a student's best friend come exam season. Both of these are thought to boost your mood and alertness during the day. Some even think sandalwood can positively affect your memory, while Jasmine eases restless sleeping.

How To Do Aromatherapy

While there are plenty of ways to feel the benefits of essential oils, none are more convenient than an aromatherapy bracelet. Wellness that you can wear? Self care has never been so easy!

Written by Olivia Connor

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